This is the best bet for backpackers who will be carrying a heavy pack or trying to move across rough terrain. So if you are looking for good gifts for hikers then this jacket is one that any friend or family member will be stoked to get.
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The Southwest is our go-to because its ultralight durable and waterproof.

Best hiking gear to buy. If your gear is pretty dialed in the 2400 40L is probably all you need. For most casual hikers looking for a good value a hiking shoe is the great choice and the Moab 2 is a winner. One of the best lightweight sleeping bags is there Vango ultralight pro 100.
Amazon is a great place to buy gear. From outdoor gadgets to state-of-the-art first-aid kits to the most immaculately designed hiking gear at The Summit Gear youll have the ultimate shopping experience. In this post Ive created a comprehensive hiking packing list for essential hiking gear.
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Hiking 101 - The Essential Hiking Gear List PLUS Hiking Packing List Printable Hiking doesnt need to be overwhelming but I am also a big fan of making sure I am ready for the worst case scenario. Hyperlite Mountain Gear Southwest 2400 3400. Their selection seems endless and their return policy is good as along the item is sold and fulfilled by Amazon itself.
Arcteryx makes some of the best gear for the mountains that money can buy so if you can splash on on this jacket- it is the cream of the crop for hiking or traveling. The Nano Puff jacket is the perfect mid-layer jacket something every hiker should have in their arsenal. Deuter Air Contact Best Backpack for Backpacking Long-Term.
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Patagonia is one of the best companies out there for outdoor gear. Therefore these light sleeping bags give you the perfect comfort whilst taking up minimum weight in your backpack. Nomatic Travel Backpack Best Hiking Backpack for Travelers on Brief Trips.
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The Southwest 2400 is the pack youll see us rocking on the trail most often. One of the best things about shopping for hiking gear on Amazon is that there are almost always multiple reviews of a product posted by real people who have actually used it. We offer free shipping to the domestic US on all orders over 50 free returns and 10 off all orders over 100.
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