If you have a few days to spend in Kathmandu or Pokhara before your trek you can easily kit yourself out. This Russian outdoor equipment brand has a relatively new store in Kathmandu.
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One of those is Shonas Alpine Kathmandu Nepal.

Best trekking gear shop kathmandu. The safest bet for Nepal trekking footwear is full backpacking boots which provide good support and protection from the elements. Clothing items- Caps hats Gloves Down jackets and light jackets shirts and t-shirts trousers Rainwear summer wear etc. The stores are on Tridevi Sadak a quick walk from downtown Thamel.
Most are located on Tridevi Sadak the main road leading into Thamel or the more upmarket Durbar Marg area. They wont rip you off and youll get decent enough gear for your trek. Where to find the above trekking gears in Kathmandu and Pokhara on rent.
Long sleeves are good for sun protection. You can buy or hire US standered trekking gear in Thamel Kathmandu. Here are the best places to shop for trekking gear in Kathmandu.
Kalapatthar Trekking Store located on Satghumti Thamel. This is one of the best place for buying trekking gear in Kathmandu. Kathmandu is a mecca for knock-off brand-name trekking gear where the difference in quality is.
Outdoor Gears and equipment are given below. Kalapatthar Trekking store is the best trekking equipment store. Best trekking gear shop in Kathmandu.
Kathmandu is your online outdoor and camping store shop online now and choose from our wide range of Outdoor Supplies Clothing Equipment for Camping Hiking much more at Kathmandu. The Thamel area of Kathmandu is packed with trekking gear shops. 2018-06-22 060458 Was this helpful.
Good for sleeping in at night or as a base layer if it gets cold in the morningsevenings. Otherwise as usual for all other equipment we recommend Mingmar at the Everest Equipment shop on the left as you come out of the Kathmandu Guest House. Always negotiate on price.
Outdoor Store Shop Outdoor Gear Equipment Kathmandu USA. Lightweight long sleeve trekking shirts 3. Most of the trekking gears shop in Pokhara which provides gears for rent.
Kathmandu shopping for trekking gear offers lots of options it all depends on your preferences on your plans and the budget you want to spend. If playback doesnt begin shortly try. Sat Ghumti Seven Corner Street Thamel Kathmandu.
Rent Trekking Gears in Pokhara. If you have children or youre a larger size this is harder. Kala Pathar Trekking Shop.
Find The Best Products At Unbeatable Prices With Our Exclusive Brand Sales And Deals. Sunrise Trekking store has available of all types of trekking gears at a reasonable price. Goreto Gear Traders located on Bhagatibahal Marga.
Samden Sherpa no website. There you can buy anything that was overlooked before departure and its guaranteed to be the real thing. Sunrise Trekking store at Paknajol Thamel.
There are few trekking shops in Kathmandu. 2017-12-28 073610 Was this helpful. If there is a.
Some is genuine and sports a hefty price tag most is fake but does the job just fine. If you are looking for branded trekking stores then Mountain Hardwear The North Face etc will be great options. Long leg light weight combat trekking pants zip off are good.
Rent Trekking Gears in Kathmandu. Shonas Rentals is another service that they provide they provide trekking gear rental in Kathmandu. Find The Best Products At Unbeatable Prices With Our Exclusive Brand Sales And Deals.
T-Shirts lightweight wool is great Underwear You will be hiking through a wide range of terrain from mud in warm weather to snow in cold weather. 1 0 Best Free Travel Tips. If you spend quite a bit of time in the mountains and you want to invest in good equipment it may be worth spending on something that will last a lifetime.
Long sleeve cotton t-shirt - 1. But no matter what you choose Kathmandu will have at least a meaningful proposal. I also buy trekking equipment this store.
Light weight makes for easy wash material. We recommend Shona and Andy who run the shop. Recently I heard that Mountain Hardwear doesnt sell trekking boots.
Items like this tend to be down jackets Goretex jackets and backpacks where youll get years of use out of these items. I got mine in Chhetrapati in one of four trekking equipment shops on the left as you come down from the Kathmandu Guest House. Just visit any trekking gears shop which provides gears.
The trail will be rocky throughout. 977-1-425-3554 offers gear and gear repair. Ad Huge Selection Of Quality Electronics Toys Apparel Accessories Much More.
Since you are saying you are looking for quality gears then my suggesting is to look around brand shops around Thamel. Narayanhiti Path Lal Durbar Marg. Best trekking gear shop in Kathmandu - YouTube.
Due to popular demand the big-name outdoor gear manufacturers such as Mountain Hardware and The North Face have established a presence in Kathmandu. Ad Huge Selection Of Quality Electronics Toys Apparel Accessories Much More. Baghwan Bahal Thamel Kathmandu.
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